Writing a resume is an ever evolving process. Not just as your own skillset and job history changes, but what a good resume continues to include. If you aren't researching the latest resume formats and what information should be included, you could be dating yourself and missing out on future job opportunities. Here are five common resume additions that were a staple many years ago, but don't belong on your resume now.
An objective statement does not add any value to your resume. Based on the job position, the potential employer understands what you're looking for as far as employment. This piece has also been expanded and moved into writing a cover letter for a position. This is where you can go in depth with how your employment history directly fits with the new one. In lieu of an objective statement, consider adding a paragraph that highlights concrete achievements (i.e. increased sales, improved productivity) or a summary of your qualifications as a professional in that field (i.e. administrative professional, sales executive.)
Full Mailing Address
In a time where communication is based around electronic communications, there is no reason to include your full mailing address on the top of a resume. The most I advise on including is the city and state where you reside. Adding the entire address not only gives out unnecessary private information, but is also something an employer will not need to move forward with the process.
References Available
I still see this line thrown on the bottom of resumes and I delete it every time. This is a line that does not need to be stated anywhere. The potential employer knows you will furnish references if they request them.
Proficient in Microsoft Word
This is another line that goes without saying. If you're writing a resume, applying for jobs online, there's a good chance you have proficiency in Microsoft Word. Never mind the fact that most schools include Microsoft Word in beginning computer classes. It is a skill that a large majority of people are comfortable with and would look out of place on a resume.
If you can ensure these items are not included on your resume, you'll have more space for the important stuff that will really catch a hiring manager's eye.